Level 2 Maßnahmen AIFMD: ESMA Konsultation zu Drittstaatenregelung

ESMA publishes today a consultation paper (ESMA/2011/270) setting out its proposals for the detailed rules on supervision and third country entities underlying the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD). These rules reflect the global nature of the alternative investment management indus-try and the need to put in place a framework for entities outside the EU.

Today’s publication, which complements the draft advice published for consultation in July (ESMA/2011/209), is in response to the European Commission’s request for assistance to ESMA’s predecessor, CESR, in December 2010. ESMA has to deliver its final advice to the Commission by 16 November 2011.

Hier das Konsultationspapier zum download: AIFMD_Konsultationspapier_supervision and third countries

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